Dear candidate,

We understand better than anyone how difficult it can be these days to find a suitable home. To give everyone a fair chance at this property, the seller and broker have chosen Eerlijk Bieden. What the next steps are we will explain on this page.

What will happen next?

Confirmation of your bid

You will receive a confirmation from us by email within a few moments including digital proof of the bid.

Please note that the mail may end up in a different folder. We send mail from:

Under lock and key

To avoid any price fixing in the meantime, your offer is placed in a digital safe. Nobody can see the details of your offers until the closing date.

Reviewing your bid

After the closing date has passed, there is no more opportunity to bid. The seller and broker are presented with your bid in the listing to discuss.

Assigning the buyer

Fingers crossed, as soon as the buyer is identified you as a candidate will immediately receive an email with the result.

The bid log

When the sale is final, the bid log can be shared. In this online overview you can see all the offers that have been submitted.

Frequently asked questions

How long will it take until I get a response to my bid?

It may happen that you have to wait a while for a response to your bid. After closing time, we will therefore always send you an email to keep you informed.

Can the sales method be changed in the meantime?

In some cases, the seller and broker may choose to change the method of sale in the interim.

Due to the change in game rules, we will automatically send you an email with the next steps.

I have the highest bid, am I now automatically the buyer?

No, the seller always retains the right of attribution. This means that other aspects can also weigh in when designating a buyer. For example, reservations or delivery preferences may also be decisive.

Can the broker continue to negotiate after a closed registration?

No, with a closed registration, the broker has already asked everyone to submit a final proposal. The broker is not allowed to issue a second final proposal after the deadline.

Questions about Eerlijk Bieden?