Secure data sharing

Prevent identity fraud!

As a gatekeeper, the estate agent is obliged to establish your identity by means of a copy of your passport. To safely share your details with the estate agent online, we have developed the VeiligID app. With this application, you can easily shield your passport photo and social security number.

How do I use SecureID?

With our application, protecting your personal data is a piece of cake! Read the instructions below or watch the video.

  1. Press the green 'Choose a photo' button to take, or upload a photo.
  2.  Your ID card will be loaded. Then click and drag a square over your passport photos to make them unrecognizable.
  3. Repeat the previous step, but now for your social security number
  4. Everything protected? Then press the 'Download' button. We will automatically add a watermark to ensure that your copy ID is not used for anything else.
  5. Your protected copy is saved on your computer or phone. When you return to the personalia form, you can add the downloaded file again!

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