The automatic Wwft check

For years it was a headache for brokers: 'the Wwft check'. Thanks to Eerlijk Bieden 's software, that is now a thing of the past. We were the first in the Netherlands to fully automate the KYC process in a digital Wwft file, seamlessly integrated into Eerlijk Bieden. Rarely has Wwft compliance been so easy for brokers.

Why does this matter?

The real estate industry has fallen prey to money laundering and fraud for many years. To prevent this, the Wwft was created. In practice, however, compliance with this law still lags far behind. To combat fraud in the housing market, Eerlijk Bieden has made compliance with the Wwft check a lot easier. You can read more about this in our special blog.

wwft award

Wwft checks at fixed purchase price

No margins apply at Eerlijk Bieden . You are guaranteed the checks at fixed purchase price!

wwft subscription

Purchase without subscription

To run the checks, you do not need a subscription. You can stop at any time.

Saving time effortlessly

In addition to the automated checks, you can also screen manually. Useful for searchers, for example!

Thorough screening of data subjects

The basis of the Wwft is a client screening of the seller, prospective buyer or your seekers. Is the person in question a PEP, or are sanctions pending against this person, for example. The automatic screening immediately identifies all risks.

risk assessment wwft matrix

Insightful risk matrix

The origin of the funds is requested fully automatically from the prospective buyers. The results are accurately converted into a standardized risk matrix. In the end, you as a broker get a clear analysis that suffices for audits by the FIU.

Most popular questions

What are the costs of the Wwft file in Eerlijk Bieden

With Eerlijk Bieden we want to ensure that the Wwft is fast, simple and cheap to implement for brokers. Extra profit margins and difficult cost structures are not part of this.


We have therefore chosen a fixed purchase price of: €1 per client. For this price an automatic client screening is performed, a digital risk assessment can be made and evidence of identification can be recorded. 


In short, for only €1 per client, your Wwft file is complete!

Am I required to use Eerlijk Bieden ?

No, the Wwft checks can also be taken separately. You are therefore not tied to anything!

Is the Wwft check to be used for all brokers?

Yes, if you are a broker registered with a registry, you can use the check directly. This therefore automatically applies to brokers affiliated with the NVM, Vastgoedpro or VBO. If you have any doubts, feel free to contact us!

Can the Wwft check also be used for expats?

Yes, our checks have no restrictions on nationality. Anyone can be screened at any time! In addition, the questionnaires for, for example, the origin of resources are already automatically multilingual, so this also no longer needs any explanation!

Can I also use the Wwft file for purchasing clients or searchers?

Yes, a separate file can be created for each type of customer; you can specify the type of customer and adjust the questionnaires accordingly, for example.

As a broker, what else do I need to do myself for the Wwft?

The Wwft check can be fully automatic or manual.


With the automatic version, we present the clients with the questionnaires right after identification. This then discusses, for example, the origin of the funds. Once it is signed by the client, you as a broker receive a request to check the data and complete it if necessary. Everything complete, then you receive a PDF report of the risk matrix and client survey.


If you choose to do this manually anyway, all we need is a name, date of birth and nationality.

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